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Be Fruitful and Multiply

Be Fruitful and Multiply
Be Fruitful and Multiply
Regular price $9.95 Sale

Every day we make hundreds of decisions, from what to eat for breakfast to whom we should marry. Big and small, monumental and minute, all of our choices matter to God. These everyday decisions are all part of how we steward our time, talents, and resources to the glory of God.

If our job as Christians is to honor God in everything we do and be productive with what we are given, then every decision matters. The question is, how do we make God-pleasing decisions? The economic way of thinking is an important God-given tool that helps us prudently decide how to glorify God in all the decisions we make.

In Be Fruitful and Multiply, Anne Bradley, vice president of economic initiatives for the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics, presents a powerful case for how economics complements the way God designed us. We are all economists tasked with stewarding God’s resources for his glory. Applying biblical economic principles to decision-making helps us glorify God every day.

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Institute for Faith, Work & Economics
Year Published
Book Excerpt