Throughout his long and rich career as a theologian and philosopher, Michael Novak has written on a formidable number of subjects. Though most well- known for his contributions to the conversation between theology and economics, Novak has also written on topics such as the ethics of nuclear deterrence, the Second Vatican Council, the welfare state, liberation theology, concepts of subjectivity, and the American Founding, to name just a few. But as the essays in this collection written by scholars from around the world in honor of Novak’s life and thought demonstrate, a concern for human freedom and the dignity in which it is rooted permeates all of his intellectual forays. Readers will find in this collection many words of praise as well as profound illustrations of the influence of Novak’s writings. But the same papers also contain questions and criticisms to which Novak replies and, in doing so, explains much of the background to some of the central intellectual concerns of his life.